This Month's Special
- Free Domain Name
- 30,000 MB Web Space
- 600 GB (600,000MB) Bandwidth
- Ruby on Rails (RoR hosting)
- Host Unlimited Domains (Unlimited Add-ons)
- unlimited eMail & FTP
- WebMail Horde and NeoMail
- Unlimited Databases
- No setup fee
- Free Statistics Awstats & Urchin
- Hosting Control Panel (Cpanel)

Big Hosting - Big Support - Big Blue Host
Big Blue Host offers affordable web hosting for all your personal and business needs. Our hosting services can accommodate any needs from web space for website hosting to Reseller Hosting. Our webhosting packages provide low cost web hosting for a personal homepage starting at $3.95. Big Blue Host is a cpanel hosting reseller as well.
Reseller Multi Domain Hosting
- Compare Hosting
- UP To 15,000 MB (15 GB) Web Space
- UP To 400 GB Bandwidth
- Host Unlimited Domains
- WHM Control Panel / Cpanel Hosting
- Personalised Nameservers
- No setup fee
- Free Statistics Awstats
- Hosting Control Panel (Cpanel)
Managed Dedicated Hosting
- Dual Xeon Processor
- Linux and Windows Hosting
- 120 GB Hard Drive (SCSI or RAID)
- Up to 2 GB RAM
- 1,200 GB Bandwidth (1.2 Terabytes)
- WHM/Cpanel, Helm or Plesk
- 24/7 Tech Support
- Fully Managed
Why BigBlueHost?
- Fast, Free 24/7 Support
- Money Back Guarantee
- Company Hosting
- Affordable Webhosting
- Web Host Control Panel
- 99% Server Uptime
- Plan Flexibility
- 100% Dependable
- Security Features
- Big Hosting and Big Support